ahooy, lagi libur long weekend nih di rumah! alhamdulillah setelah 2 bulan bisa pulang ke rumah. long weekend gini malah dikasih tugas-tugas sama dosen. ada mekflu, matrek, sama medan. terus ada tugas pendahuluan buat lab. blahh males. terus seharian ini bukannya dikerjain dikit-dikit malah sibuk catching-up beberapa series yang emang sengaja ditinggal buat dirapel, kaya Survivor, White Collar, Modern Family, 2 Broke Girls, etc etc. yaudahlah besok aja mulainya.. procrastinator is back in action.
btw sesuai judul, it's been a while since the last time i blogged about my journey from somewhere in Jakarta (biasanya dari SMA 8) to home. sekarang kalo dipikir-pikir "ngapain juga ye ngeblog begituan". tapi yaudahlah seenggaknya bukan bacot ngetweet. padahal ini blog, which is longer than tweets. dan berarti tingkat ke-nggakpentingan-nya jadi berkali lipat. ah whatever. dan mumpung sekarang lagi bosen nonton White Collar, ngeblog sebentar deeyyhh haeee :3
WARNING: setelah selesai ngetik ceritanya, baru sadar segapenting ini ceritanya. kalo males baca mending nggak usah, daripada gue dosa udah bikin yang baca kesel haha.
alkisah kemaren gue balik dari Bandung jam 12.30pm. sengaja milih tengah hari bolong biar bisa sampe Senayan City jam 3-an dan nyampe rumah lebih cepet. cuma ternyata gue salah. Cipularang muaaceett banget dan akhirnya baru nyampe Senayan City jam 4.45pm. and as you know, the traffic in Senayan area during that period is sucks. I mean, reaaalllyyyyy sucks. turun travel sempet bingung mau naik taksi apa enggak, tapi karena macet bisa bangkrut kalo naik taksi. akhirnya milih naik bis patas AC 44 aja. jadi gue nunggu di deket TV gede yang di pertigaan deket 7-Eleven. dan nunggunya 20 menit sendiri... 7 kali lampu merah bisnya nggak lewat lewat, dan sekalinya lewat penuhnya sampe hampir tumpah keluar. kebayang nggak? manja amatsih, makanya cobain naik bis pas rush hour! (pengalaman dari SMA)
jadi gini. bis kan biasa tuh ada yang duduk di kanan kiri, terus tengahnya ada aisle gitu. kalo kursinya penuh, berdiri lah tuh di aisle. terus semua yang mau naik bakal dipaksa dempet-dempetan di aisle. kalo aisle dari depan sampe belakang penuh, nanti disuruh berdiri di tangga yang buat naik/turun di depan dan belakang bis. kebayang kan betapa penuhnya? itu bis sepenuh itu kalo digoyang dikit bisa oleng terus jatoh kali (gak segitunya). nah gue udah pernah 2x berdiri di tangga itu, dimana salah satunya gue jadi orang yang paling luar, jadi pintunya terpaksa dibuka biar muat. serem deh pokoknya, kalo ngantuk bisa liwat dah idup gue jatoh dari bis. cuma kalo ditutup bisa liwat juga gara-gara kegencet pintu. serba salah emang. maka dari itu, pas ada 1 bis lewat dan kalo gue naik gue bakal ada di posisi itu, mending kagak usah sekalian.
nungguin 20 menitan tapi kagak dapet bis, akhirnya fix naik taksi. ditungguin masih di daerah TV itu, KAGAK ADA YANG KOSONG. buset dah segininya amat dah... mana berat banget lagi di tas ada laptop sama brownies Amanda.. terus gue mikir kalo tetep nunggu disitu, jam 9 kali baru dapet taksi. akhirnya memutuskan untuk jalan, pilihannya ke Senayan City apa PS. berhubung maunya lewat Kebayoran Lama, jadilah dipilih PS karena kalo milih Senayan City bakal muter dulu dan tambah mahal nanti. pas nyampe PS cuma bisa bengong karena antriannya udah panjang... dari plang "taxi queue" sampe main lobby PS ngantrinya... langsung ada hening momen sejenak, mikir harus ngapain.
saat itu kondisinya adalah udah jam 5.30, lagi gendol tas yang berat, dan make jumper. ya, make jumper sodara-sodara! di Jakarta. berhubung tas penuh dan lagi pake baju gembel, jadi jumper terpaksa dipake. gerah banget :( akhirnya memutuskan untuk nyebrang ke Sency siapatau lebih sepi. dan alhamdulillahnya, pas baru banget nyebrang, ada Blue Bird kosong. langsung nyetop, bilang ke Kreo, dan lepas jumper. SURGA BANGET GUYS TAKSINYA (gak segitunya part 2). terus geler-geler di taksi dan gamau liat argonya. cuma gatahan akhirnya ngintip ngintip juga. dan jeng jeng jeng momennya adalah saat nyadar kalo belom ngambil uang dan duit di dompet tinggal belasan ribu :'') tapi gampang lah nanti bayar di rumah. cuma takut kalo mama/ayah nggak ada di rumah. terus mama nelpon, cuma gaenak sama supirnya kalo bilang "ma nanti standby di gerbang dong ini nggak punya uang terus naik Blue Bird". akhirnya gue nggak bilang ke mama dan berharap dia nggak bakal kemana mana.
jam 7.15 akhirnya sampe rumah dengan argo yang nggak lebay-lebay amat, dan alhamdulillah mama di rumah hihihi. terus bayar. terus udah deh geler geler di kasur dulu. terus makan porsi kalap karena mama masak rendang terus terus terus (noying)
see? it is that unimportant. but hey, i've warned you, remember? then whose fault is it? yasudahlah doakan saja semua tugas bisa selesai besok yah (agak nggak mungkin (ngomong sendiri (yaudahlah))) #tandakurungception #anakhashtag #katanyamalessamaorangsoktwittertapikenapainipakehashtagdiblog #yaudahlah. makan dulu yaaaakk :3 (berasa lagi msn-an (kenapa kurung lagi)) #tandakuru... am i gonna do it all over again? blaaahh. dadah!
Friday, March 29, 2013
Sunday, March 24, 2013
My Very First
hi, it's been more than 2 months since my last post! this semester is starting to get ugly, as I went through every classes and midterms. the subjects in this semester are exhausting and excruciating. and crazy, bad crazy. and of course they make me nuts. this semester, I study both fluid mechanics and electromagnetic field, and also quantum physics, and engineering mathematics, and so on. the midterm was one of the hardest I've ever experienced, where electromagnetic field top the list. I was stunned and flabbergasted, my fingers were cold and stiff, and I barely answered the questions.
two months running, this semester is also making some new milestone. the first one is, I skipped class! hahaha. 3 credits in total. one when I had to finished the lab report, and other is when I was busy studying computation methods for midterm. pff sorry mom and dad for that. and the second one is.. on the electromagnetic field midterm day, I went to class without taking a shower ahahah it's really embarrassing. that was the first time, in my life, ever. going to school without taking a shower. and I hope it will be the last (aamiin.. hahaha)
anyway, I really want to continue my post about my trip to Thailand, and write about my trip to Padang. but it's been a hell of a week, and I really need some good sleeps (but the truth is, I spent my weekend catching up with tv series pffhh). and since my friend had read my Pattaya post and asked me about Bangkok, thought i have to continue the post. so i'll post that later when i have the chance.
oh ya, 2-3 days ago i browsed ITB Career Center's website (http://karir.itb.ac.id) and applied the Schlumberger Vacation Trainee hahaha. why the hell am i laughing? i meaaaan, here I am, Muhamad Refky Kamajaya, who doesn't speak (and write and listen and read) English fluently, have the gut to apply it! however, since I met the requirements, there's nothing to lose, and it's easy and free (you just have to sign up and click APPLY. that's it!), i'll take the chance, albeit the minuscule probability.
this post is dedicated to MPIKE (Manda Pritta Ilman Khana), who changed the WhatsApp group name from MPIKE to JambuKebalik FC because of their devotion to this blog (and it's owner wkwk). happy?
two months running, this semester is also making some new milestone. the first one is, I skipped class! hahaha. 3 credits in total. one when I had to finished the lab report, and other is when I was busy studying computation methods for midterm. pff sorry mom and dad for that. and the second one is.. on the electromagnetic field midterm day, I went to class without taking a shower ahahah it's really embarrassing. that was the first time, in my life, ever. going to school without taking a shower. and I hope it will be the last (aamiin.. hahaha)
anyway, I really want to continue my post about my trip to Thailand, and write about my trip to Padang. but it's been a hell of a week, and I really need some good sleeps (but the truth is, I spent my weekend catching up with tv series pffhh). and since my friend had read my Pattaya post and asked me about Bangkok, thought i have to continue the post. so i'll post that later when i have the chance.
oh ya, 2-3 days ago i browsed ITB Career Center's website (http://karir.itb.ac.id) and applied the Schlumberger Vacation Trainee hahaha. why the hell am i laughing? i meaaaan, here I am, Muhamad Refky Kamajaya, who doesn't speak (and write and listen and read) English fluently, have the gut to apply it! however, since I met the requirements, there's nothing to lose, and it's easy and free (you just have to sign up and click APPLY. that's it!), i'll take the chance, albeit the minuscule probability.
this post is dedicated to MPIKE (Manda Pritta Ilman Khana), who changed the WhatsApp group name from MPIKE to JambuKebalik FC because of their devotion to this blog (and it's owner wkwk). happy?
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